
Showing posts from March, 2023

Blog 3: 3/28, A Triplet of Terrible Diseases

Posted 3/27 Good evening folks! Thanks for tuning in once again. This week, I finished reading the book An Elegant Defense: The Extraordinary New Science of the Immune System. It was a more journalistic approach to the subject rather than a scientific, and I read it because it gave me a more wide lens on my subject. I would not really recommend it to people who are just getting into Immunology, because it uses some more complicated phrases and understandings that require you to have a bit of background knowledge on, which was perfect for me.  This book talks about the lives of three patients, one who suffered from cancer, Jason Greenstein, one who overcame HIV, Bob, Hoff, and a women who suffered from terrible autoimmune disease, her body attacking herself, Linda Segre.  Jason Greenstein was on the verge of death. His lymphoma (cancer of the lymphatic system) had become malicious and malignant, and by any definition terminal. His fifteen month battle with Cancer included harsh Chemo an

Blog Two: 3/20, Antibodies to Antigens, Macrophages to Memory Immune Cells, and All In Between!

Posted 3/19  Alright! I have finished reading Immune: A Journey Into the Mysterious System that Keeps You Alive! It was a great book, with wonderful graphics, easy-to-understand analogies, and a great place to start learning about such a wonderful science; I would definitely recommend this book to anyone and everyone, looking to find a way to get interested in more advanced sciences, like immunology. My guess is that the easier-to-understand aspects of this book will fill up most of what I put into my presentation, with references to the deeper immune science.  Well, enough with the book report: let us get into everyone's favorite section: The Science!  Interestingly, the Immune System (I may refer to it as the IS) is actually split into two different sections: the Innate Immune System (IIS), and the Adaptive Immune System (AIS). The Innate Immune System is the first responders in any immune battle. They are like the ambulances that show up when a large amount of people get hurt. W

Blog One: 3/7, From Interferons to Mars, to T-Cells

Posted 3/6: Blog 1! I decided what my subject is, which is going to be immunology, and different immune sciences. I found 3 books that I can read, which I believe acclimate in difficulty: first, I will start with Immune: A Journey into the Mysterious System that Keeps You Alive, then I will go on to An Elegant Defense: The Extraordinary New Science of The Immune System, and then finally I will go through Immunobiology: The Immune System in Health and Disease.  This week, there were two new things that I mostly learned about this week are interferons.  Interferons are a system in place that your stomach cells, epithelial cells use to warn other cells that they are infected. When an epithelial cell recognizes that it is infected, it will send out interferons to tell other cells, "I am infected! Stop producing proteins to prevent the virus from reproducing!" Therefore the neighbor cells will pause production, and it will slow the rate at which the virus spreads. Then, another sp