
Showing posts from May, 2023

Blog 5: 5/5, Closing Remarks

The Genius Project is officially over, and now it's time to move on. I feel like the Genius Project was an awesome look on the curriculum, letting the student choose a personalized way of learning, and I feel like it could really be used from a more general standpoint: students getting to choose what they want to learn, what they want to do, while there is also a general academic standpoint, like the blogs as a way for the teachers to check-in on the student, make sure they're making good progress, making sure that they're learning something. This way, the students would be able to take charge of their own curriculum, do what they want to do, and decide how engaged they want to be. Of course, there would still be the common core curriculum in place, but it would be interesting to see how this could stem out and grow.  For my own personal project, I believe I could've done my TED talk better, a stuttered quite a lot and I didn't really convey my points in a super cle